View Blogs by Tag: business | friend | iowa | lawyer | marketing | mortgage  Advergirl Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: A 30-something advertising junkie and account executive based in Ohio, who focuses on strategy, clients, consumers, and a creative approach. Why I Like It: You read what she writes and come away from it saying, "Oh - yeah! Of course!" Tags: marketing  Bird's Eye View (Susan Willett Bird) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Susan Willett Bird's smart talk about conversation - about engaging employees and customers through word of mouth marketing, interactive dialogue, and social networks. Her blog is all about how to use conversation in ways that add measurable value... both on a personal level and in ways that can impact entire companies and their brands. She also produces MainEvent®, the annual global satellite/web dialogue among world-class business and thought leaders, and wrote The ABC's of Authentic Conversation. Why I Like It: I've personally emailed, commented, and spoken with Susan and what she does is simply fabulous. I find her web site interesting and provocative and read it daily. Tags: business  Brand Autopsy Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: For the past decade, John Moore has made his mark in the marketing world by creating, championing, and implementing marketing ideas and branding ideals for Whole Foods Market and Starbucks Coffee. Why I Like It: I learn about things and think about things I wouldn't otherwise. Tags: marketing  Creating Passionate Users (Kathy and Dan) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: The Creating Passionate Users bloggers, Kathy Sierra and Dan Russell, are fascinated by brains, minds, and what science can tell us about the practice of making users passionate about their lives and tools. Kathy is the chief poobah of the bestselling Head First books (, a brain-friendly series from O'Reilly. They're all passionate about the brain and metacognition, most especially--how the brain works and how to exploit it for better learning and memory. Oh yeah, and how to recognize when someone else (including one of us) is applying brain-based techniques to get you to do something. Why I Like It: Though this blog is on hiatus at the moment, it is consistently the first blog I read daily. Tags: marketing  Damn, I Wish I'd Thought of That! (Andy Sernovitz) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: I'm CEO of GasPedal, a word of mouth marketing consulting firm, and a founder and CEO of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, which made this idea of consumer-friendly, consumer-controlled marketing into the #1 most important marketing phenomenon. Why I Like It: I wish I'd thought of what he writes. Tags: marketing  Learned On Women (Andrea Learned) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Andrea writes about marketing to women. Smartly. She co-authored, "Don't Think Pink: What Really Makes Women Buy - And How To Increase Your Share Of This Crucial Market." Why I Like It: Her writing is rich in substance and changes me. Tags: marketing  Mortgage Cicerone (Tony Gallegos) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Tony Gallegos has held senior level management positions, is a top originator, and is a lecturer/consultant that has taught and instructed mortgage professionals in all 50 states. Why I Like It: A better human being is hard to find, and he happens to write the smartest and most comprehensive mortgage blog out there. Tags: friend | mortgage  Seth Godin Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Seth Godin's riffs on marketing, respect, and the ways ideas spread. Seth is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change. He's the author of seven books that have been bestsellers around the world and changed the way people think about marketing, change and work. Permission Marketing was an Top 100 bestseller for a year, a Fortune Best Business Book and it spent four months on the Business Week bestseller list. Why I Like It: He makes me think and re-think how I view the world. Tags: marketing  Tom Peters Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Fortune called Tom Peters the "Ur-guru" of management, and compares him to Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, and H.L. Mencken. The Economist tagged him the Uber-guru; and BusinessWeek's take on his "unconventional views" led them to label Peters "business's best friend and worst nightmare." In 2004, the Bloomsbury Press book Movers and Shakers: The 100 Most Influential Figures in Modern Business reviewed the historical contributions of pathbreaking management thinkers and practitioners, from Machiavelli and JP Morgan to Tom and Jack Welch. The summary entry on Tom's impact:
"Tom Peters has probably done more than anyone else to shift the debate on management from the confines of boardrooms, academia, and consultancies to a broader, worldwide audience, where it has become the staple diet of the media and managers alike. Peter Drucker has written more and his ideas have withstood a longer test of time, but it is Peters - as consultant, writer, columnist, seminar lecturer, and stage performer - whose energy, style, influence, and ideas have shaped new management thinking." Why I Like It: His slideshows have taught me more about success and business than anything else I know. Tags: business | marketing  Trust Matters (Charles H. Green) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Charles H. Green is a speaker and executive educator on trust-based relationships and Trust-based Selling in complex businesses. He is author of "Trust-based Selling," and co-author of "The Trusted Advisor." Why I Like It: Without exception. every post Charles writes convinces me to treat my relationships, both personally and professionally, with ever more attention. Tags: business  Annette Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: I won't give away Annette's last name, but she is a local woman whom I platonically met online and with whom I became friends. Annette is soon to be married to Casey, the beau of her life, and she has a great sense of things. Why I Like It: She's one of the most unafraid people I know. Tags: friend | iowa  Chad Holtz Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Chad is a vice president at a really big home mortgage lender, father of two, and devoted husband to his wife, Michelle. He writes about his life, his family, the news, his trialthlon training, and his adventures in photogrpahy and on his motorcycle. Why I Like It: Chad was a manager of mine for a stretch and a great guy. Tags: friend | iowa  Converstations (Mike Sansone) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Mike Sansone is an independent business consultant specializing in business blogs and conversational copywriting. His experience in public speaking, sales and marketing, writing, and real-time online communication are strengths Mike relies upon in his role as a Conversation Conductor.
Prior to starting his own business, Mike helped to build thriving online communities with America Online, Real Fans Sports Network, Ignite Sports Media and HeyMax. He also has coordinated the growth of offline communities as a property manager, volunteer, and minister. Why I Like It: I know Mike personally and he is contagious, so be careful - you might catch his enthusiasm! Tags: friend | iowa | marketing  Moments of Clarity (Doug Mitchell) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Doug is addicted to the startup environment, and is married with kids. Why I Like It: He writes from the heart. His blog is real... Tags: iowa  Rush On Business (Rush Nigut) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Rush has more than a decade of experience as a business and trial lawyer. He advises businesses of all sizes from start-ups to established businesses including technology companies, contractors, manufacturers, cooperative associations and retail operations. Why I Like It: Smart guy. I've referred him a few times. Interesting blog... Tags: iowa | lawyer  Transition Capital Management (Adam Steen) Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Adam assists small- to medium-sized companies gain access to key relationships and resources. Why I Like It: He loves to grow businesses and connect the dots and people together. A really great guy. Tags: business | iowa  Janet Green Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Janet's blog,, is about the city that she's lived in for over 40 years. She blogs about life, work, events, businesses, people, hobbies, and anything else that strikes her as interesting or entertaining about Des Moines and the surrounding area. Why I Like It: Janet's engaging and truly loves the area in which I live. Tags: iowa  Kelly Steele Web Site Address: RSS Feed Address: Description: Kelly's been a friend of mine for over 20 years. We once played in a band together and Kelly is the most amazing guitarist. He's also excellent with photography. He tunes pianos for a living, so if you're local, he's the right guy. Why I Like It: Kelly's a really good man with a wonderful soul. Tags: friend | iowa