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The USA Today published the graphic you see above.The average consumer debt load per household is on the right. On the left, the half-million your household owes to the government.

Add onto that nationalized health care. Your children will endure the burden above, and more, as Obama spends more and more money.

No adult who supports this can even remotely make the claim to care about children when children grow up into a half-million dollars in debt. More than their house, cars, clothing, college expenses... the government spending, given to the unions and corporate cronies. It's all wealth transfer, from those that don't have wealth - kids.

When children are born into debt like we're accumulating and continue to accumulate, isn't that slavery? What loving parent would want that for their children?

If you support what Obama's doing, don't pretend to love children. You don't.


by Brett Rogers, 5/29/2009 9:29:04 AM


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