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-- Catherine O'Hara

The Story of "Water Village"

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Water Village - First Sketch


I'm painting an Oriental water village next... and here's the first sketch:

It's complex in textures and lines and scale, but it's simple in terms of color. You'll see what I mean about the color soon. But I need to sketch this out a few times in order to get a feel for this one before I hit the brush. The river channel is too wide in my sketch, which causes some of the coziness of the village to be lost.

A little voice in the back of my mind tells me, "Patience, grasshopper..."

ETC: I never did move ahead with this, but perhaps I will at some point. Too busy painting for the cards business.


Read the whole story of "Water Village"
by Brett Rogers, 11/26/2005 11:31:22 PM