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Every book is, in a sense, an argument with myself, and I would write it, whether it is ever published or not.
-- Patricia Highsmith


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Me on TV


I was on TV recently. Steve Karlin and Mike Sims did an amazing job assembling this video... absolutely top-notch.

You can view the video here.

Pretty cool.


Read the whole story of "Cell Phone Art"
Tags: LG Dare Art | Verizon
by Brett Rogers, 10/31/2008 12:41:01 AM


Very exciting, Brett - great to see that it's getting some recognition. You'll have to update us when you hear back from VZW!



Posted by Jeff (, 10/31/2008 9:06:04 AM

Thanks Jeff :)

I'm not holding my breath for an answer yet, but I am persistent. I'll contact them later next week to find out if they have any thoughts about it.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 10/31/2008 2:22:05 PM

Awesome news clip!



Posted by Adam Steen, 10/31/2008 8:17:18 PM

Brett - Great to see your talent being recognized! That was an awesome newsclip...congrats!



Posted by Tony, 11/1/2008 1:02:15 PM

Brett -

Very cool. You did an excellent job with the interview and so did KCCI.



Posted by Rich, 11/1/2008 10:41:29 PM

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