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I went to the doc recently and discovered that I have a torn meniscus in my right knee. I've been living with it for a while, and it's tough to manage. So I bit the bullet and went, for which I'm grateful. Probably should have gone sooner.

When I herniated my back a few years ago, it recovered on its own. A couple of months of supreme discomfort and shuffling like Tim Conway's speedster character, but it all worked out.

Not so with this. Sometime in June I get to be seen by the actual surgeon. When is the surgery? Summer, I guess. Sooner is better than later. Then I can go on walks with my wife again, something I haven't been able to do much of lately.

What would this all look like under Obamacare? No clue, but it can't be good. Government is never anything but a no-value-add, expensive middle man. Look at everything else it has ever touched.

ETC: This is fascinating. A woman from Canada writes in the comments with her own story of a torn meniscus under the care of the Canadian health care system.

I injured my knee back in mid-January. Went to my family doctor right away. Went back 2 weeks later cause the pain just wasn't getting any better. He referred me to the hospital for an MRI. I finally got a call they had room for my MRI appointment the Saturday of Easter weekend. Three weeks later my doctor called me with the results. His words: "You've completely destroyed your knee!" Next step is to meet with an orthopeodic surgeon and schedule surgery. At this point, I was told there is a one year wait to see the ortho.
Compare and contrast our private health care with a nationalized health care system:
  • I went to my family doctor, had an MRI the next week, got the results two days later, and an appointment with the surgeon set up within the next 30 days.
  • Estelle went to her family doctor, waited a couple of months for the MRI, got the results three weeks later, and now has to wait for a year before seeing the surgeon.
Yes, of course. Nationalized health care for everyone! Barack Obama - supah genius!


by Brett Rogers, 6/3/2009 2:34:21 PM


I know what it's like to live with knee pain. I injured my knee back in mid-January. Went to my family doctor right away. Went back 2 weeks later cause the pain just wasn't getting any better. He referred me to the hospital for an MRI. I finally got a call they had room for my MRI appointment the Saturday of Easter weekend. Three weeks later my doctor called me with the results. His words: "You've completely destroyed your knee!" Next step is to meet with an orthopeodic surgeon and schedule surgery. At this point, I was told there is a one year wait to see the ortho. In Canada here the medical system is run by the provincial government. Of course, I could always go to a private clinic which would cost me $5 000 and it would be done within 3 weeks.



Posted by Estelle, 6/4/2009 8:40:36 AM

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