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Blog Posts for "media bias"

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Fell, Down, Tumbling, and Declining


To the point of what I said a couple of days ago...

For The New York Times, daily circulation fell 4.51%...

Daily circulation at The Washington Post was down 3.2%...

Daily circulation at The Boston Globe tumbled 6.6%...

Both The Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News experienced deep declines -- over 10%...

Of the top 25 papers in daily circulation (see chart, separate story), only four showed gains.

Every writer's first question should always be: who is my intended audience? When you forget that, you'll miss the mark. If editors begrudge the falling numbers, then the bias in their company's product has to give way to the need for an larger audience. Personally, if I felt that I could trust the newspaper to provide me with an accurate and comprehensive picture of the news, I'd subscribe and read. In the meantime, I'll save my money.


Tags: media bias
by Brett Rogers, 11/5/2007 9:03:43 AM

Harvard Discovers Left-Leaning Media Bias


American media outlets, as studied by Harvard (and no conservative bastion that), are defintively biased against Republican candidates.

Democrats are not only favored in the tone of the coverage. They get more coverage period. This is particularly evident on morning news shows, which "produced almost twice as many stories (51% to 27%) focused on Democratic candidates than on Republicans."

The most flagrant bias, however, was found in newspapers. In reviewing front-page coverage in 11 newspapers, the study found the tone positive in nearly six times as many stories about Democrats as it was negative.

Yep - I knew this back when I did my own research on it during the 2004 presidential campaign. Kerry got more coverage and he also get more favorable coverage.

And the Democrats have the gall to float the Fairness Doctrine. As if...

I have no problem with newspapers and TV stations and other outlets having their slant toward Democrats. I just won't watch them or read them. As many other Americans aren't, these days.

Circulation for newspapers is dropping because newspapers, consciously or unconsciously, decided to niche themselves as a voice for the Left. If the owners of these companies are comfortable with a smaller audience, then that's their business, and frankly, their choice. But I don't want to hear any boo-hoo'ing about it. Just like Hollywood these days... putting out anti-war films that few people care to watch. And then they wonder why these things bomb.

Viva the marketplace!


Tags: politics | media bias
by Brett Rogers, 11/2/2007 1:32:21 PM