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Obama's First 100 Days


Over on Twitter, a guy started this meme:

Obama's First 100 Days, OR ...
Here's an example of his:
Obama First 100 Days OR We have nothing to fear but..., er, speed up the TelePrompter please.
Here's my take on it:
Obama's First 100 Days, OR Sweet! America's credit card has no limits!

Obama's First 100 Days, OR President = I'm now the president of every company in America, right?

Obama's First 100 Days, OR Venezuela or bust, baby!

Obama's First 100 Days, OR A really hard lesson about why public demand for a king is a bad idea.

Obama's First 100 Days, OR Giving "Capitol Punishment" an economic twist.

Obama's First 100 Days, OR The United States = We're sorry for kicking ass for 200+ years.

Obama's First 100 Days, OR Supporting Michelle's right to bare arms.

If you have Twitter or a blog, come up with your own.


by Brett Rogers, 4/29/2009 11:12:41 AM


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