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Random Quote Only amateurs say that they write for their own amusement. Writing is not an amusing occupation. It is a combination of ditch-digging, mountain-climbing, treadmill and childbirth. Writing may be interesting, absorbing, exhilarating, racking, relieving. But amusing? Never! -- Edna Ferber
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Thanks for Making the Point |
From the President: UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. ... It's the Post Office that's always having problems. Yes, exactly. The private sector will always function better than the public sector. So stay out of the solutions business, Washington. |
by Brett Rogers, 8/11/2009 3:02:48 PM Permalink
Great--then let's turn the military over to the private sector and get it out of the government. Too many government employees (military members) as it is |
| Posted by Pierre le Grand, 8/14/2009 3:54:34 PM |
Obviously, you're a big supporter of the second amendment, pushing for the security of our nation to be in the hands of private sector. Good for you. Thankfully, we have a volunteer military, none of whom are paid much. They do it to protect our right to life, liberty, and property. I wish the same could be said of our politicians and the left. Sadly, no. |
@Pierre le Grand The governemnt HAS a proper role, three, that are well defined by our constitution. Police, to protect us from the initiation of physical force by our neighbors. An Army, to protect us from the initiation of physical force or other nations. Courts, to settle disputes by objective law. We have given the use of force as sole province to the government to protect these rights when force is initiated against us. When government uses that force, the only power we have given them, against us by telling us what insurance we must buy, or carry, or what sort of coverage what we do buy must have, they are improperly using their force against the very people who have granted it to them. |
| Posted by Larry atakstonskitchendotcom, 8/15/2009 10:47:33 AM |
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