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New Music


I'm listening to the new songs that I downloaded from while I sit here at work designing a data schema.

Christa Couture's Day 04 is for people who miss Jewel before she went pop. Great, delicate song.

I mentioned Syd yesterday and his song Back Home. I ordered his CD. Cool guitar work and a feel for melody.

Genevieve's In Our House. I think she's a Christian, and the song is good for a Sunday afternoon on the back porch with your mate.

Lori McKenna - I'll probably buy her CD. I downloaded Never Die Young. Love her voice and her emotion in the song. It has these lyrics: "I'm just brilliantly bitter/And sealed by my skin but broken inside."

And finally, Matthew Hebert of the Ware River Club and their song Broken Light grows on me with each listen - and I liked it the first time I heard it! He sounds like a great guy to sit to a beer with. Just an excellent song.

So go and enjoy. I like the idea of ignoring the DJ's and the music companies and finding these talented folk on my own. Lots of good stuff - so go explore :)


Tags: music
by Brett Rogers, 6/12/2005 1:11:38 PM



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