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Eternal Optimism


Or, how I like my eggs sunny-side up.

Today, for the first time, I heard a trusted business associate refer to our economy as a "depression" - after calling it a "severe recession."

For his part of the country, that may well be true. I know from someone else who traveled to another distant state last year to make a new life that the area to which he moved was completely distraught economically, so he couldn't get any traction there.

About a year ago, we traveled to Ohio and I couldn't believe the number of strip malls with empty storefront after empty storefront.

(Thank you, Mr. $4-gas-who-wants-to-tax-everything-in-sight, aka, the Incessant Golfer.)

But as my friend, Duane, puts it - I'm crazy enough to run past everyone and into the burning building that is our stagnant economy.

Jonathan, my development cohort in 247Toolset, hatched a brilliant marketing plan a couple of months ago. Yesterday and today, I took the first steps toward that plan. We'll likely launch the plan in a month or two. It depends on how fast we get things just so with the platform.

Freedom means that I choose my own path. I believe in freedom, and I believe that Americans crave freedom.

I bought the book "Adapt" the other day, and the author asserts that people want someone to lead them.

Ninnies, yes - they look for a leader to lead them. And children... they do too.

Everyone else - they don't want someone to tell them what to do and "protect them." They want to choose for themselves. Playing on the playground occasionally brings a skinned knee, but it's way better than sitting safely inside.

People are happiest when they get to choose for themselves and enjoy the reward of their self-directed choice.

Freedom... that's what I'm running for. I don't see fire in the burning building; I see brilliant sunshine. No temporary jerk politician can keep me from my fervent passion to be free.


by Brett Rogers, 6/1/2011 9:47:41 PM


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