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Today's Beauty


We're about to leave Tofino, BC, and drive back to Victoria, BC, to spend a couple of days at a bed and breakfast there. And I'm smitten... I want more of this, and I am more driven than ever to derive how to succeed so that we have the means to travel to great places like this. Tofino is not a place you just wind up at - it's a determined location, as it's on Vancouver Island and it is a 5-hour drive from Victoria. The drive is worth it - but you have to make the decision to get here.

We both love Tofino. We want to return and someday own property here. I'll write more when I get back about where we stayed, but this trip has re-defined me in some ways.

Weather permitting, we'll take a seaplane ride today over glaciers and perhaps whales.

It's been the perfect vacation.


by Brett Rogers, 9/13/2011 8:40:46 AM


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