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Race War


Given that it's pretty irrefutable, at this point, that Trayvon Martin started the fight, pinned George Zimmerman to the ground, and beat him up pretty good, anyone who sees this as anything more than self-defense is purposefully ignorant and driven by an agenda other than facts.

That would be President Barack Obama.

As I've watched his lack of execution of laws he doesn't like or agree with, and as I've watched how he really doesn't let the law restrict his actions, his reaction to the Zimmerman trial shows, more concretely than ever, that he has no respect for the law.

Increasingly clear is that he seeks to gin up racial tension in our country. Everything is becoming a black vs. white issue.

I don't know anyone who is white who cares at all about the color black, except when they see that our country isn't in the black but rather deeply in the red. Other than that, it's immaterial to anything.

Watching the reaction beyond the office of the president, disregard for facts, law, and property are becoming a hallmark of the black community. Is that really the image that they want to portray to the world? Maybe so.

I remember in the 2008 election having a conversation with a business colleague who swore up and down that a President Obama would bring racial unity to America.

The hell he did.

The Racist-in-Chief does our country no good with his words, his agenda, or his leadership. Some believe that this is all a distraction from his awful economic policies. No, I believe that he might be trying to start a race war. If he's not, then that might become the unintended consequence of how he's stewarding his presidency.

Lincoln worked hard to bring the country together. Obama works hard to break it apart.

ETC: There are a number of these that have happened since the verdict, but mugging for Trayvon - that's the best way to honor him? No. It's just a convenient rationale for crime.


by Brett Rogers, 7/20/2013 11:43:21 AM


Oh my goodness, well said!!!



Posted by Michelle, 7/27/2013 11:29:18 PM

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