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Keep going. Writing is finally play, and there's no reason why you should get paid for playing. If you're a real writer, you'll write no matter what.
-- Irwin Shaw


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The image at right is for a friend of mine. I love my juicer, and use it about 5 times a week. Today's breakfast was orange/grape/green apple juice. Yummy! I'm trying to convince him to buy a juicer. His wife wants one, but he is unconvinced. But he'll be converted.

Here's the list of To-Do items of the first phase of work here at

  • Profile Page - those who register through login will get their own page devoted to a description of themselves. This is good for blog marketing.
  • Comments Search - registered folks will be able to search the comments across posts.
  • About page - yeah, I know, the About page at left goes nowhere. That's coming...
  • Writing - um, ditto...
  • Email Forms - registered readers will be able to email commenters through an email form here on the site. No commenter's email address will ever be displayed here - that's just a recipe for spam.
  • Archives - this main page only holds 15 articles/posts. I need to build the archive page.
  • New content should ping weblogs, technorati, etc - it doesn't yet, though I've researched it a bit.
After I'm done with this list, I'll stop enhancing the site for a while, but will still post daily. And by the way, I'm really enjoying the comments of everyone.

Tomorrow, I'll post a list of the To-Do items for Phase Two.


Read the whole story of "Building My Own Blogger"
by Brett Rogers, 3/1/2005 8:58:17 AM


AAAck! That combination does not sound they provide you with recipies and what makes for a good juice mix??



Posted by The Artful Blogger, 3/2/2005 10:59:43 PM

Tell you what - I'll deliver it myself next time I'm on the east coast ;)

You'd be amazed - it's very, very good juice.



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 3/3/2005 12:02:42 AM

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