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The title to a work of writing is like a house's front porch ... It should invite you to come on in.
-- Angela Giles Klocke


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Oddest Thing...


In my cube at work, a strange thing has happened. People talk to me. Now that's not odd in and of itself - I'm a personable guy. But it all started since I began to hang my own art on my cube walls. People I don't really know come in and talk to me.

"Did you do these?"

Or, "Did you use a computer program to create these?"

Or, "Where do you get the art you hang up? Is it someone you know?"

I've learned that my art is breaking down social walls and barriers and bring people together into more personal conversations. It's amazing. It's unexpected. But it's oh so cool.

This morning, a guy named James stopped into my cube and started asking questions. Pretty soon, I'm learning about James and his former writing habits and his artsy wife and his mother's old kiln in his father's basement deep with dust from lack of use since his mom's death 15 years ago. The art is a comfy living room, where people want to pull up a chair and just connect.

It's the oddest and most wonderful thing.


by Brett Rogers, 12/29/2005 11:51:33 AM


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