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Those who know me know that it's rare that I get sick. I honestly can't recall the last time that I got sick with a cold or a flu - and that's despite having five kids. So what's the secret? At the very first sign of a tickle in the throat, gargle with whiskey. I use Jim Beam. No, I'm not kidding. This is not an excuse to drink at odd hours... those who know me also know that I don't drink, except for an occasional glass of merlot or a whimsical dark beer. So there it is, and it works brilliantly. To hell with zinc, vitamin C, echinacea, and Airborne... this treatment prevents a cold. Stops it dead. And it works every time. ETC: After posting this, I thought that I might have to eat crow - what everyone I know had, I felt trying to get me in the form of a scratchy throat and a tickle. So, in a record nine whiskey treatments over a two day period, it's gone. Yep - it works. |
by Brett Rogers, 3/3/2006 7:31:29 AM Permalink
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Oh sure, NOW you tell me. :-) For those who found out too late, I recommend a bath as hot as you can stand it, and a cup of hot and sour soup. It doesn't cure you, but it makes you feel better and clears the head enough to help you sleep. Never fails. :-) Love the tree, by the way. |
| Posted by Bella, 3/3/2006 10:56:33 AM |
Hope your cold is getting better... so many of my friends and family have it right now that it seemed important to have a BeatCanvas public service announcement. Thank god prohibition is not still in effect... Glad you like the tree. I think this weekend's painting will be titled "Joy." |
Whiskey, eh? I wonder if rum or tequila will do, since those are the only sorts I keep hidden back for recipes & such...? I mean, is it just the fact that it's hard liquor, or is there something special about Jim Beam? [grin] |
| Posted by Anonymous, 3/5/2006 8:11:17 PM |
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