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A Very Random Quiz


Kris has this up on her web site and as I babysit the newly coded morning process today, I thought I would throw in my answers. If you like, throw your answers in the comments...

What's your favorite kind of cookie?

Generally, the kind before they're cooked. It's terrible, but I like dough. Pass the spoon, please.

Who's America's most overrated actor?

Kris gave this answer, to which I must agree: "My opinion? Jack Nicholson. Please don't kill me, but it's been a very, very long time since I've seen him playing anyone but himself."

Amen, sister.

Name a guilty pleasure.

I like to peel the upper strip of paper off a new straw and then blow the bottom part off the straw. Outside, inside - it doesn't matter to me. Which means that I occasionally litter.

"Scrubs" or "Everybody Loves Raymond"?

Scrubs, no question. It's so random, it's hilarious.

Name two things you can't live without.

Music, and now a paintbrush.

Your first pet's name + first street you lived on = your pornstar name.

Harley Heights - lol... what a great formula.

What song are you listening to right now?

Low, by Kelly Clarkson

Name your celebrity crush.

I don't really do celebrity crushes - always seemed a bit silly to me. But a female celebrity with whom I would like to have lunch? Probably Marg Helgenberger, from CSI.

Favourite punch line from a joke.

In Scottish brogue: "I don't know where you were last night, lad, but I'm damn glad that you won first prize."

And I'll add a few more...

Secret, selfish wish?

A regenerating body for a life hundreds of years long.

Secret, unselfish wish?

That every child had parents who truly loved him or her and showed it by spending time with their child. Sidenote as I write this - my daughter gets home early from school a couple of days a week and watches Dr. Phil now and then. She watches the other day and this 9-year-old boy was getting into torturing animals and hitting his sister until she would bleed. Dr. Phil's formula to save this kid? Dad, start spending more time with your son and as a family, go out and do stuff together. And yep, that fixed it. What if Jeffrey Dahmer's parents had done that?

What duo in TV history are you most like?

Kirk and Spock. Sometimes, I'm that corny, over-dramatic human that Kirk was, and other times I am that seemingly cold, hard-logic guy that Spock was.

People would raise an eyebrow if they knew what about you?

I have to give two answers, because some people know the first one: I voted for Clinton twice and now for Bush twice.

Second answer: I take my showers in the dark. (Don't knock it till you tried it... but it has to be completely and utterly dark.)


Tags: my life
by Brett Rogers, 3/16/2005 8:29:35 AM


What's your favorite kind of cookie?
Samoas...Girl Scout cookies

Who's America's most overrated actor?
I'd have to say Brad Pitt. I just don't get the all the fuss about him.

Name a guilty pleasure.
Guess it's nothing to feel guilty about but I love to sleep under my down comforter with nothing on. I love the freedom!

"Scrubs" or "Everybody Loves Raymond"?
I don't really watch either, but I have seen more of Scrubs and it's pretty funny.

Name two things you can't live without.
My kids and my stamping/scrapbooking supplies

Your first pet's name + first street you lived on = your pornstar name.
Harley Brown...LOL

What song are you listening to right now?
"Dance with my Father" by Luther Vandross...God bless him.

Name your celebrity crush.
Don't have one. But if I could go to lunch with someone, it would be Bill Pullman.

Favourite punch line from a joke.
"I knew if I got you in the sack you wouldn't know what to do."

Secret, selfish wish?
A breast reduction

Secret, unselfish wish?
That couples who can't have children can and ones who shouldn't be parents can't.

What duo in TV history are you most like?
Elliot and Oliva from Law and Order SVU.

People would raise an eyebrow if they knew what about you?
I really want to get a tattoo and probably will have one after I return from my vacation.
And I sing in the shower.



Posted by Mommyto5, 3/16/2005 12:04:33 PM

What's your favorite kind of cookie?
My Mom's German molasses cookies---I'm not sure what is German about them except it was my great grandmas recipe, and she was german. When just out of the oven, they are gooey deliciousness. When they cool they are rock hard and must be dipped in milk or coffee, which only makes them even tastier.

Who's America's most overrated actor?
Matt Damon.

Name a guilty pleasure.
Anne Rice novels.

"Scrubs" or "Everybody Loves Raymond"?
My God, Newbie, is there even a question? Scrubs all the way! Love Cox.

Name two things you can't live without.
Well, it sounds like a smart ass answer, but air and water. Seriously. LIVE without?

Your first pet's name + first street you lived on = your pornstar name.
Lydia Dodge. Hmm. Maybe Colonial era porn...

What song are you listening to right now?
I'm not. All is quiet at Chez Bella

Name your celebrity crush.
Johnny Depp.

Favourite punch line from a joke.
"I left my harp in Sam Clam's disco!"

Secret, selfish wish?
A regenerating body for a life hundreds of years long.
This is a good one...but I'd also have to wish for one for everybody I love because I'd hate to see them go. Then that gets all complicated, so I'll just go with winning the lottery for now.

Secret, unselfish wish?
That every child had parents who truly loved him or her and showed it by spending time with their child. Dr. Phil's formula to save this kid? Dad, start spending more time with your son and as a family, go out and do stuff together. And yep, that fixed it. What if Jeffrey Dahmer's parents had done that?

Do we know that they DIDN'T? I think Jeff was just wired wrong from the get go, and no amount of parental caring was going to be able to fix it, but that's just my opinion. :-) I think, even though it sounds all Miss America, I'd go for world peace, because in order to achieve it, a lot of the many and varied crappy things that happen in the world would have to be worked out.

What duo in TV history are you most like?
Hawkeye and Trapper John. Brilliant, funny, covering pain wth humor, complex, have problems with authority, built a still in my living room, wear combat boots.... :-)

People would raise an eyebrow if they knew what about you?
I have to give two answers, because some people know the first one: I voted for Clinton twice and now for Bush twice.

Bless your heart, but if I live to be a million I will never get that. :-) As for me...I have two as well. The first is that I love the ghosties. Love ghost stories, haunted houses, love hearing people tell their stories of encounters with ghosts, the questionable and creepy ghost photography, little kids in India or Nepal or someplace with a strange birthmark that can remember the life of a guy they never met who got shot three years before they were born. All that life beyond life stuff.

And I have not one, but two tattoos.



Posted by Bella, 3/17/2005 12:54:46 AM

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