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I picked up the first 1,750 mini-cards from the printer and got the proofs of the next eight designs, which will come in next Wednesday. If I didn't mention it, I'll offer these in a variety package of cards, 1 card each of fifteen different designs. Here's a snapshot - note the quarter at the bottom of the picture. I was planning to use a zip loc bag to package these, but Tamara recommended, and rightly so, that I use something else - of which I'd never heard - called an "organza bag." Nice presentation... I have a box of them coming to me to see what they're like. So - inside the shimmery bag, for $11.99, you'll find the 15 cards, 15 envelopes, and a piece of paper with text something like this: The Connection PackageStrengthen your personal and professional relationships with these vibrant and unique cards. Small enough to fit in a wallet - memorable enough to leave a lasting impression! Use these cards: - In the office with colleagues
- On gifts as tags
- To accompany flowers
- As back pack or lunch box notes for your kids
- As invitations
- Just because...
Connect with Someone!(You can also buy a dozen of the same card for $11.99.) I feel like after spending over $3,000 of my money, I need to focus on marketing. I'm nearing the right product. How do I pitch it? At work, I have eight orders thus far, which is pretty much an order per person who has seen the cards. That's hopeful! |
I like that you put the quarter as a size comparison. I've seen these cards up close and they are an absolute wonderful idea! I feel it would be a plus for marketing to include a business card or two with each ordered bag. Things I've received in the past (i.e. a bracelet and some charms) from small companies always included an extra business card or two to give away. I carried these with me and whenever someone commented on the items, I'd give the business card. I know that for the fingerprint charms of my sons, I passed along tons of cards and requests for the website. Just something to think about.
| Posted by Anonymous, 9/2/2006 4:00:13 AM |
Excellent call on the organza---don't know Tamara, but way to go, girl! Much prettier than a zip loc, they look more gift-y, and I know this is girly, but organza bags make me think of wedding favors....hmmm...bridesmaids gifts would be a good marketing niche....or those people that you just don't know very well but have to give a gift to...wheels...spinning... you could do different colors for different combos of cards, even different fabrics...in a sense, the bag becomes part of the gift itself. I still have an organza bag that somebody gave me gift in a couple of years ago that is now a pretty little makeup bag. Packaging is fun! |
| Posted by Bella, 9/2/2006 12:46:02 PM |
OK, I WAS going to suggest a brown paper bag and duct tape, but, I think the organza thingy works much better. Probably not a good idea to include a bite sized tuna salad sandwich either. So much for my marketing expertise. |
| Posted by Kelly, 9/2/2006 1:40:58 PM |
Actually, the brown paper and duct tape wouldn't be bad for a combo of the less "pretty" cards...not that they aren't all gorgeous, but a more manly set...like the boat, the tree, the jogger, the moon....not that men buy a lot of cards, but it's a way to target them. Tuna fish sandwich though...then Brett would have to get a refrigerated display case and that would cost a lot of money, and the cards would have to be like, $15 a piece....maybe peanut butter. Longer shelf life. :-) |
| Posted by Bella, 9/2/2006 5:01:20 PM |
Ooooo! Add jelly and I'm buying! :) |
| Posted by Kelly, 9/2/2006 10:46:40 PM |
I love you guys - you crack me up. I'm out in the woods at the moment camping (commenting by cell phone) but I second your thoughts, Bella. I was thinking of a box that might be right for guys - because organza won't cut it. I have my marketing hat on big time and doing a lot of thinking out here. |
| Posted by Brett, 9/3/2006 3:31:32 AM |
Ok, but with a box you wouldn't be able to see the cards which I think is a great feature. I like the duct tape idea. Maybe some WD-40 too :-) And you could put them in saran-wrap with the duct tape! LOL |
| Posted by Anonymous, 9/3/2006 10:49:02 AM |
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