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The Best Stuff on Earth


I woke up this morning at 9:30, which is very unusual for me. But boy was it welcome.

Followed by a raspberry Snapple. Yummy...

After hanging with my kids through the morning and a game of Scattergories with Aaron in the afternoon, I took my bike to the shop to get it ready for riding. The chain, after a damp winter, is so very rusty. Then, off to Barnes & Noble, the library, and finally Michael's, a craft store.

I went to Michael's to help me resolve a couple of painting issues. The paper for this recent painting that I've started was excessively wet and so it curled a great deal. To prevent warp, I need to tape the paper to hard surface.

In addition, I've been using an art bin, but it's not large enough. So I scouted out a great wooden box and it is most wonderful :)

And I've decided to start over with the painting... it's like trying to paint inside of a cup for all the warping the paper did.

The rest of the night belongs to me and Suzanne Vega. I downloaded Solitude Standing and Days of Open Hand the other night. The gentle rocking motion of Gypsy is perfect.


Tags: my life
by Brett Rogers, 3/26/2005 9:02:07 PM


Any kickbacks yet for that shameless product endorsement? :->

By the way---have you tried Snapple Apple? Yum.



Posted by Bella, 3/28/2005 2:28:40 PM

I always ALWAYS tape down my paper to a large board that I've made just for that purpose. I use the blue painter's masking tape from Wal-Mart and it works great. It tends not to damage the paper surface.

I have to tape mine down simply because I really don't have any room to leave my work sitting out anywhere. That way it becomes portable AND protected from bending and scuffing because I can just set my board somewhere out of the way until the next time I can work. Someday... someday... I'll have a work room that's just for my painting and beading and sewing, and I'll be able to leave everything sitting out without worrying that muddy shoes and peanut butter fingers will be inadvertently destroying it.



Posted by klywood, 3/29/2005 9:06:58 AM

Hmm... Wal-Mart carries blue painters tape?? Where at?

lol - regarding muddy shoes and peanut butter. My red pepper painting has a nice oil spot on it from a Burger King wrapper !



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 3/29/2005 5:39:30 PM

AACK! I hate it when something greasy gets on my work.

As for the painter's tape, it's back in the paint department along with the masking tape and Duck tape.



Posted by Anonymous, 3/30/2005 12:16:13 AM

Nice goatee ;)



Posted by it's me, 3/30/2005 12:45:58 PM

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