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This Must Be the Place


My favorite song at the moment is "This Must Be the Place" by the Talking Heads. I owned the Speaking in Tongues album when it first came out in the early 80's, but I swear I never liked David Byrne's compositions and texturing as much as I do today. Where was my head back then??

In "This Must Be the Place," there's one part of the song that goes: "Home is where I want to be, but I guess I'm already there." No idea why, but that's sticking with me... and I don't usually notice lyrics. Mr. Byrne - he's a genius.

It's funny how related music seems to painting lately. The layers and textures... I can see the transparency of the song as though it were displayed in front of me, like watercolor washes.

I had lunch with a friend of mine today whom I've known for years. His birthday is in two days and we take each other out for lunch on our birthdays. We stopped at the restaurant where a childhood friend of mine works. They'd never met, so I introduced them. It's odd, but I find a lot of common threads running together lately.

From "Once in a Lifetime," I hear in my ear, "You may ask yourself, 'Where does that highway lead to?' You may ask yourself, 'Am I right? Am I wrong?'"

Someone once told me that we only get angry when we don't get our way. I find that painting reduces my desire to change the world, as I've sought to do in the past. Instead, I want to observe it as it is and enjoy it for what it is.

I think everyone should try painting. It's changing my life.


Tags: painting | my life
by Brett Rogers, 3/29/2005 2:24:27 PM


You wrote:
>It's funny how related music seems to painting lately. The layers and textures... I can see the transparency of the song as though it were displayed in front of me, like watercolor washes.<

Very nice; it's an effect I have often sensed when listening to music, and I get a similar sensation when I look at a painting. Paintings have sounds and smells to me, quite often.

Beautiful post, by the way. You're an artist with words as well as with colors.



Posted by Anonymous, 3/30/2005 12:25:19 AM

Thanks, Kris. It's cool to see that you experience that as well. Makes me more interested to listen to your music :) Let me know when it's online!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 3/30/2005 11:51:52 AM

Talking Heads....David Byrne.....*drool*



Posted by buffalo Bill, 3/31/2005 3:36:06 AM

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