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Sonic Sketch, Driving on Ashworth Road
I recorded this on my way across town the other day. I made it up as I drove along, but I might want to circle back to it some day...
by Brett Rogers, 1/14/2007 2:54:31 PMPermalink
I like it. How did you record this on a drive? Share your technical know how.
But beyond the technical, I like it.
Two thoughts: Teach us all how to do it and then in some way start a melody and then anyone who wants to can add on? Like a conversation in music.
Another idea: You were awesome enough to hummm but how about adding a dance video too?
Posted by Sherry Borzo, 1/17/2007 2:24:05 PM
I own an Olympus digital recorder that records in WMA format. I take that, open it in WavePad, and convert it to MP3.
A conversation in music... I love that.
And the dance video? I'll have to wait for the completion of my ballroom dancing lessons with Tamara before I could do anything like that!
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