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-- Ernest Hemingway


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How do you define credibility? How do you know that someone is credible? How do you know that their word is golden?

My answer: they do what they say they will do.

That sounds easy, but it's not. In fact, most of us willingly agree to the tasks that people ask us to do, whether at work or at home, until we find ourselves overburdened and stressed out.

Is your to-do list packed? Is it so packed that it affects your credibility?

Remember: it's okay to let some items that come your way to end up on your to-don't list.

Credibility is hard to earn and harder to earn back. Don't squander it away in an eagerness to please others.


by Brett Rogers, 1/16/2007 5:32:53 PM


Profound advice. What a great post!



Posted by Rush Nigut, 1/16/2007 10:04:45 PM

This is very true and very difficult. As a person who sees her word as her honor, I often feel overwhelmed by the tasks people "assign" to me. What do you do when a random person asks you to do something that has a high time cost and a low immediate value. Do you say no? Do you use ambiguous qualifiers such as "I'll try to"?

I find this especially difficult in the business or volunteer world. You want to be helpful and give advice, but how do you draw lines without seeming incredibly rude?



Posted by Elizabeth, 1/18/2007 10:43:28 AM

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