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Busy Busy


I'll be posting again later today with pictures and such, but Tamara and I continue to try and make some sense of the mess of our newly combined homes. Hoo boy... it's quite a chore!

Friday, our satellite TV got hooked up and yesterday I watched the University of California at San Diego's presentation of Grey Matters, and a speaker presented on the topic of memory. He said, "Memory is just an extension of perception," and I've been thinking a great about that since then.

More later... off to go unpack S T U F F !

ETC: Last night, we went to the Coach's Corner in West Des Moines at the invitation of Tamara's team. She manages a help desk at work, and her team is probably the most cohesive of any I know where we work.

Tamara let me take her picture before we went out... lovely woman :)

Here's Tamara and John, her right-hand guy:

Tamara and Vicki (front) and Karen (back) and their husbands:

With Valerie and her husband, Terry:

Val coordinated the whole thing and the team got us a beautiful gift: champagne glasses, champagne, the buckets for both, and a blanket. They are all incredibly thoughtful.

From left to right: Travis, Harvey, Jill, Tamara, and Ernest:

Ernest has a new venture and he and I talked a some good length about it. I'll be connecting with him soon. It turns out that Jill and I both know Mike Sansone - but then everyone knows Mike...

(Off-topic sidebar: I'm doing some minor strategic consulting for Paragon and their marketing guy, John, also knows Mike Sansone. Of course!)

Alan and Tamara:

Tamara, Barb, and her husband, Mark:

Barb and Mark got us a nice romantic bottle of wine :)

Left to right: Eric, Christy, Tamara, and Christy's husband, Mark:

And of course, my soon-to-be-bride and me:

What a wonderful night!


by Brett Rogers, 1/28/2007 9:28:05 AM


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