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I don't make myself work. It's just the thing I want to do. To be completely alone in a room, to know that there'll be no interruptions and I've got eight hours is exactly what I want - yeah, just paradise.
-- William Burroughs


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Today, we took Tess to the airport so that she could go to summer camp. She's such a good kid... I'm glad that Tamara brought her into my life.


Tags: tess
by Brett Rogers, 7/27/2007 10:20:51 PM


Brett - Just wanted to tell you how much I love your site. It's an ecletic blend of of thoughts, opinions and inquiry that blows me away. I always come back because I never know what I going to find. Have also found other great sites. Whatever you are doing, keep up the great work.



Posted by Tony Gallegos (, 7/30/2007 12:33:09 AM

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