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Five Days Until Christmas


When we got home from the hospital yesterday, we were greeted by a box of things from my in-laws, and inside were two hand-made cards from my nieces.

This was done by Sophia, an astonishing child of many gifts who tickles me every time I talk to her.

And this was done by Savannah, who has a heart of gold and is a gem of a young lady.

Both girls have shared their art with me in the past and they're both extraordinarily talented. To have received their cards means the world to me.

Which goes to show that it's not the size or expense of the gift that matters at all, but the amount of soul you put into it.

I encourage you to take from Sophia's and Savannah's examples, and do something personal for someone this Christmas. You might touch someone in a very memorable way.

Here's the Christmas song snippet of the day:


Tags: christmas
by Brett Rogers, 12/20/2007 10:56:15 AM



"Which goes to show that it's not the size or expense of the gift that matters at all, but the amount of soul you put into it."

Right on, and well said.



Posted by Chris, 12/20/2007 1:13:47 PM

Merry Chris-mas!



Posted by Brett Rogers (, 12/20/2007 2:15:45 PM

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